Why Your Snapchat Score Isn’t Updating? Solutions To Fix It

It can be annoying when your Snapchat score doesn’t update right away. You’re busy snapping and chatting, expecting your score to go up. This score shows how much you’re using Snapchat to connect with friends. Ideally, it should update quickly to show how active you are. But sometimes, it lags, and that can be confusing.

Common Causes for Your Snapchat Score Not Updating

Server Delays Affecting Score Updates

Server delays can slow how quickly Snapchat scores update, sometimes making them stick in place. These hold-ups usually happen because Snapchat’s servers are too busy or need some fixing. Imagine a busy restaurant with too many orders—things slow down!

When too many people are using Snapchat at once or when the servers are taking a break for maintenance, the scores might not change immediately. If you’re using Snapchat a lot and not seeing your score go up, this could be why. It’s annoying, but usually, things get back to normal after the servers catch up and sort out all the pending scores. Just hang in there for a bit.

Technical Issues with the App

Server delays are a big part of why your Snapchat score might not be updating, but other problems in the app play a role too. Sometimes, the app isn’t in sync with the server, preventing your score from updating. This might happen if your app is old or if the app files are corrupted. Keeping your Snapchat app updated to the latest version is essential to keep it working right.

Also, your phone’s system or other apps you have might mess with Snapchat’s performance. To fix this, try restarting your phone and clearing the app’s cache regularly. This should help your Snapchat score update as it should.

Bugs and Errors in the System

Common causes for your Snapchat score not updating often come from system bugs and errors. These glitches can stop the score from showing your latest activity. Users often report delays in score updates. Sometimes these issues fix themselves, but you might need to step in at other times.

If your app is old, updating Snapchat might fix these score issues. Also, problems on Snapchat’s servers can freeze your score. Here, all you can do is wait. Another fix is to uninstall and reinstall the app. This can reset everything and might get your score moving again.

Steps to Resolve Snapchat Score Issues

Check Back Later to Allow for a Server Update

If your Snapchat score isn’t updating, it might need some time. Scores don’t constantly refresh immediately because the servers can be busy or undergoing maintenance. When there’s a lot of traffic or updates happening, it can take longer for your new score to show up. Just give it a little time. These issues usually resolve themselves; you don’t have to do anything. Keep using the app as usual, and recheck your score in a few hours or even the next day to see if it’s updated.

Log Out and Then Log Back In

Logging out and logging back into Snapchat can refresh your account and even update your score. This simple step resets your session, clearing any glitches that might prevent your score from updating.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to your profile screen.

Go to your profile screen.

  • Tap on the settings gear icon.

Tap on the settings gear icon.

  • Scroll down and hit ‘Log Out.’

Scroll down and hit 'Log Out.'

  • Close the app entirely after logging out.
  • Then, open it again and log in with your credentials.

log in Snapchat with your credentials.

This process can help fix your Snapchat score by reconnecting your account with Snapchat’s servers. Remember, it’s a quick and easy fix that doesn’t need you to change big settings or do anything too complicated.

Update The App

Updating your Snapchat app

Updating your Snapchat app can help fix a stuck Snapchat score. By updating, you’re sorting out any bugs that might stop your score from changing. Developers often update the app to make it work better and solve issues that users run into.

Here’s how you do it: Go to the App Store or Google Play Store on your phone, search for Snapchat, and hit ‘Update’ if you see it. Make sure your phone can handle the new version. Once updated, open Snapchat to see if your score is changing again.

Check Internet Connection

Having a good internet connection is vital to keeping your Snapchat score updated. If your score isn’t changing, your connection might be the problem. First, check that your device is online. Look at your Wi-Fi router to make sure it’s working. If you’re on mobile data, check that you have good service and enough data left.

Try flipping your device’s Airplane Mode on and off to refresh your settings. Or, switch between Wi-Fi and mobile data to find which works better. Often, just fixing your internet connection can quickly solve the issue of updating your score.

Boost Your Score with More Unique Snaps

To boost your Snapchat score, ensure your internet connection is strong. This helps avoid delays in updating your score. But to ramp up your score, send unique snaps to different friends. Each unique snap you send adds more points to your score.

Remember, it’s not just about sending lots of snaps. What matters is the variety and relevance of your snaps. Try to send snaps that connect with what your friends like. This makes them more likely to respond, and these back-and-forth exchanges can help increase your score even more.

Also, mix up your content using different Snapchat filters and features. This keeps your snaps fresh and can help boost your score faster. By actively engaging and using new features, you’re keeping your friends entertained and building your score.

Reach Out to Snapchat Support for Help

If you’ve tried everything and your Snapchat score still won’t update, it might be time to contact Snapchat Support. You can do this right from the app. Go to your profile, click the settings icon, and scroll to ‘Support’. Click on ‘I Need Help’, then ‘Contact Us’. Pick the option that fits your problem, like ‘My Snapchat isn’t working’ or ‘Snapstreaks’. Explain your issue clearly and mention what you’ve tried to fix it. Snapchat Support replies quickly and can help sort out your problem or take further steps if needed.


To wrap up, if your Snapchat score isn’t updating, try a few simple fixes. First, restart your phone or uninstall it, and then reinstall Snapchat. Clearing the app’s cache and ensuring you’re using the latest version can also help. Check your internet connection, and consider logging out and back in. Remember, score updates might not show up immediately; sometimes, they take a week. If you’re still stuck, contacting Snapchat support might be your best bet. Using these steps should help fix the problem with your Snapchat score.

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