How To View Liked Posts On Instagram [2024 Updated]

Instagram, a big player in social media, often updates its features to keep users interested and to protect their privacy. These updates have changed how users can see and interact with posts they’ve liked. Initially, this was easy, but over time, accessing this information has become more about keeping user privacy in mind.

How to See Liked Posts on Instagram in 2024

Open the Instagram app.

Open the Instagram app.

Open the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android. Starting here is crucial because it lets you do everything else in the app, like checking out posts you’ve liked before. Make sure your app is up-to-date to get the newest features and improvements. When you open Instagram, you’ll see your feed first, filled with posts from people and pages you follow.

Go to your profile

Instagram insights

Open the app and tap on your profile picture at the bottom-right corner to reach your Instagram profile. This moves you from the main feed to your own space.

Here, you can manage your account details. This is the spot for editing your profile, changing your password, and linking to other social media accounts.

You also see insights about your posts, which show how you’re doing, who’s interacting, and who’s watching.

Tap on the “Likes” section under “Interactions”

 Your Activity area on Instagram

Likes section under Interactions

Once you’re on your Instagram profile, click on ‘Likes’ under ‘Interactions’ to see all the posts you’ve liked before. This is part of the ‘Your Activity’ area, which helps you manage what you’ve done on Instagram.

You can see all the posts you’ve liked there. They’re shown in order, or you can sort them differently if you want. This feature is great for looking back at things you’ve liked before or finding some old inspiration.

It makes handling your activity on Instagram easier, making the site easier to use.

How to See Liked Posts on Instagram of Others

Use an external social media analytics tool

Using external tools to analyse social media can help you understand what’s popular on Instagram. These tools gather public data and turn it into detailed reports. They show what’s catching people’s interest. Instagram doesn’t let you see who likes what directly, but these tools can spot trends.

It’s crucial for businesses and influencers to know these trends. This way, they can create content that really speaks to their audience. Remember to use these tools responsibly and follow Instagram’s rules to keep your account in good shape.

Find competitors’ profiles.

To understand your competitors on Instagram, start by looking at what kind of posts get a lot of likes and comments. Check which posts are popular and think about why that might be. This helps you see what their audience likes.

Also, see which hashtags they use often and who they connect with. Watching these patterns will show you what strategies they might be using. This approach will reveal who your main competitors are and help you improve your own Instagram strategy.

View recent posts liked by others

Instagram doesn’t allow you to see other people’s likes for privacy reasons.

They used to have a ‘Following’ tab where you could see friends’ likes and comments, but it was removed in 2019. If you’re curious about interactions, you can check out mutual followers’ profiles and see the likes on posts they share.

This approach isn’t thorough, but it can give you a glimpse into who interacts with whom, which can help you shape your social strategies or strengthen connections based on shared interests you spot in these likes.


The 2024 update has made it much easier to see the posts you’ve liked on Instagram, showing that the platform is really focused on improving how we use it. Now, managing the content you enjoy is straightforward, which helps you connect more with what you see. We can expect Instagram to keep tweaking this feature as the way we use social media changes. Keeping up with these changes is essential to ensure users stay happy and engaged with the app.

To stay updated with the latest Instagram trends, make sure to check back at Save Community.

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